Last weekend, Ramzi Abed premiered his alternative-pornography documentary "The New Erotic" at a raucous bash along with Eon McKai, Kimberly Kane, Carlos Batts, April Flores, and other industry greats. Even the Jana Jordan/Jayme Langford force known as Pajamaband was there!
"The New Erotic" (trailer here) focuses on the young yet vibrant genre of alt porn and the filmmakers, photographers, actors, and others who strive to produce something artistically arousing. Abed says his film views porn and pornographers in a different light than other documentaries do; he views his subjects as artists forging a new movement in the medium. He says, "They're the equivalents of, in the regular film world, Stanley Kubrick or David Lynch or Federico Fellini or Jean-Luc Godard."
While the Fellinis and Godards of porn were schmoozing and drinking, our good buddy Jeff Koga was snapping pictures. Take a good look at these pics, pornography fans, because these faces are changing the way you think about erotic art. (Thanks, Jeff!)
· Photos by Jeff Koga (
· Doc 'The New Erotic' Premieres Tonight in L.A. (
Jayme Langford and Jana Jordan are Pajamaband
Alejandra Guerrero
Carlos Batts, April Flores & Kari Svendsboe
Eon McKai, Alejandra Guerrero, Ed Fox, director Ramzi
Abed, Kimberly Kane & Steve Diet Goedde
Kimberly Kane
Kimberly Kane
Eon McKai
Chad Alva & Andy San Dimas (by Alejandra Guerrero)
Kimberly Kane
Jayme Langford and Jana Jordan
Jayme Langford and Jana Jordan
Jayme Langford and Jana Jordan
Jayme Langford and Jana Jordan