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“Hair Pies” Makes Us Think of the Woodstock Anniversary Concert


"Hair Pies" Makes Us Think of the Woodstock Anniversary ConcertBut for the goatees and tattoo choices on some of the guys, David Lord's "Hair Pies" might have been made in 1994; we can almost hear the strains of Everclear getting tangled in those self-conscious pubic thatches.

The few living Fleshbot readers who remember when trimming pubic hair was considered sex-negative and unhygienic, maybe even Marxist, will understand that a title like "Hair Pies" would be utterly undescriptive were it to be released in the 1980s.

But in casting the delicious and fleshy likes of Laurie Vargas, Katie Angel, Lynn Pleasant, Trisha Rey, and Mandy Sweet for this five-scene gonzo, it is almost like we enter a time machine and emerge in a simpler place, before the twin horrors of Limp Bizkit and the 1993 first World Trade Center bombing. Sure there was pube shaving before then, but it was the woman who was "bald" who had the fetishy mystique about her, not the other way around.

In some of these scenes, you can see that the women just let their millennial landing strip grow out. But that's OK; it's like a trip to Colonial Williamsburg – but that ain't butter churning.

· Adam & Eve (adameve.com)
· Watch "Hair Pies" (aebn.net)