Looking to watch porn with a lover? Library Vixen has some guidance for you.
Watching porn with a lover can be tricky to incorporate into your sexual playtime. I have noticed that with certain guys it just doesn't work. From my experience never try it on the first date. I once ended up kicking a young man out of my apartment because he was more about surfing my computer for porn than than the attention he was paying to me. Be careful, especially in a new relationship– the porn often becomes the focal point when the only focal point should be each other. It is a delicate balance of finding the right porn to share, and then keeping the focus between each other and what is transpiring on the the screen.
In my past experience with such antics I have been quick to know if the situation will work or not. To be quite honest, it usually doesn't, but when it does, wow!, what fun we can have. So, I thought I would share my experience and provide maybe some tips on how to watch porn with a date or lover.
First there is the mutual sharing of links. For me I like when a man sends me a link to something that turns him on. I have to be in a certain mood to seek clips out, filtering through the mass garbage of porn (not that I wont do it, if needed) can easily turn me off, just as quickly as it may turn me on. That is why I like when someone has sent me a link. It has been screened and previewed and has some sort of value enough that thought to share it with me. It can work as a sort foreplay, you can tease each other without being with each other.
Even better than a simple mutual sharing of a link is, one created with care, catering to your loved ones sexual proclivities. Even better–if you possess the know how do some editing on the clip, choose the best parts, loop, add your own music–then give the gift of porn this year.
Take care when introducing porn into sexual activity, go slow, choose something fun and frivolous, don't go straight for hogtied or public disgrace unless you are 100% sure your partner will go for that. Perhaps try films directed by women, there are many great female filmmakers out there, one of my favorites is Erika Lust–glossy with yummy cock licking.
What always works for me is some soft pussy licking that will eventually lead to some cock. But a nice longer clip of pussy worship (PW) often works, it gets me wet, it makes me anticipate your tongue, which will always lead to me needing your cock. Maybe a little girl on girl PW that also simulates male female sexuality–finger fucking, mashing of genitals, finger sucking as though they really wished it was a cock. Plus girls lick girls differently, it can be softer and slower it will get me there every time.
Soon clothing, will shed, skin will become exposed, strokes, kisses, thighs will spread. Your fingertips will be making my lips full and my clit grow.
Then bring on the cock. Introduce some good cock sucking, not gagging, choking, make her cry cock sucking, but some shaft licking, tip kissing, ball cupping slobber you up cock sucking. In no time she will be on her knees between your thighs with your growing cock grazing her lips, both enjoying one another and the porn.
One of the best dates I've had lately was a night in listening to a selected palylist while we watched Beneath the Valley of the Ultra Vixen's. It is silly campy big tits bouncing fun. Which is exactly how our sex turned out that night. We wrestled around the floor, I bounced my tits everywhere in his face while I rode him, I acted like cow girl riding a horse with my tits swaying. We even ended up in tangled 69, licking, sucking, cumming, and laughing the night away while Russ Meyer iconography flickered away.
My last words of advice-
Talk about it before hand or at least get a feel about how your partner feels about porn, before springing it on them. Choose wisely. Be prepared, plan, have some things ready, saved and stored way in case an opportunity should arise. Surprise, mystery and some good old fashioned romance is still the key to intimacy. When done properly, a date of porn can be all those things.
Republished with permission from Library Vixen. Want to see your true tale of lust on Fleshbot? Contact us. Photo from Erika Lust's "Life Love Lust."