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“Secret Diary Of A Call Girl” Is No Longer A Secret Here


Remember, last year when Billie Piper scandalized the UK with her turn in "Secret Diary Of A Call Girl," that TV series based on the blog and book by Belle du Jour? Well, scandals make for awesome ratings (duh) so Showtime went ahead and bought the rights to broadcast the whole thing here in the U.S.. Hype aside, they do deserve credit for not simply stealing the idea and watering it down for the American audience's more tender sensibilities; they'll be showing the original unedited episodes just as they aired on the other side of the pond. It debuts on the "telly" (that's what they call it over there! Really!) on Monday night, but you can watch the full first two episodes online right now ... or at least whet your appetite with this sample clip. As you'll see either way, being a call girl is a dirty job--and we would sure like to have Billie do it to us.

· "Secret Diary Of A Call Girl" (full episodes @ sho.com)