We like looking at pictures of gorgeous women in lingerie as much as you do, but we have to admit these elaborately designed Flash sites for lingerie companies that we keep coming across all start to look alike after a while. Then again, we know they give many of you an excuse to ogle half naked supermodels without looking like too much of a perv; after all, you can always tell your coworkers or girlfriends you're really shopping for that special two-piece teddy ensemble if they catch you drooling all over your keyboard.
Leg Avenue Lingerie (Flash @ legavenue.com, via Body Collector)
Previously: Hustler Lingerie, Agent Provocateur: Knickers Forever!, State of Undress, Panties Panties Panties, Love Kylie Lingerie, Les Lecons d'Aubade, Princesse Coquine, La Fille D'O