Back in the 1970's, an ambitious porn star named Tara Alexander sought to make history: in the cleverly named "Spermathon", held at famed New York City sex club Plato's Retreat, she announced that she would get it on with a then-record breaking 86 men in one night. (Sure, that record might have been long surpassed since then, but we still get tired just thinking about it!) Did she succeed? Was she able to walk afterwards? And where did they find all those men? Find out the answers to these burning questions (and many, many more) in VH1's latest Rock Doc "Sex: The Revolution," a four part series premiering this Monday. Clip after the jump.
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· "The Spermathon" (from VH1 Rock Doc: Sex: The Revolution) (
· VH1 Rock Docs: Sex: The Revolution (