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A Night At Madame Du Sketchy’s


madamedusketchy.jpgAs we mentioned last week, Dr. Sketchy's--New York City's famed cabaret life drawing session--finally got in touch with its more tender side last weekend with the launch of sister salon Madame du Sketchy's at legendary Manhattan drag bar Lucky Cheng's. In true original Dr. Sketchy's form, however, alcohol was imbibed, prizes were awarded, and (most importantly) scantily clad models like Machine Dazzle, Ian, and Deja Davenport posed for our inspiration and enjoyment. Bummed that you couldn't be there? Take a look through our gallery--we're sure the photos will inspire you to create your own art. Or at least inspire something.

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· Dr. Sketchy's Anti-Art School (drsketchy.com)
· Photos by Yael Gottlieb