We always thought there was something fishy about that whole toothing phenomenon that allegedly swept the UK around this time last year, which is why we never posted anything about it here—or maybe we were just frustrated that all that time we spent trying to message strangers in crowded train compartments for sex didn't pan out as often as we'd hoped? Either way, it turns out that the Great Mobile Sex Craze of 2004 that certain online news sources made such a big deal about last spring may have been was a big hoax after all. (Not that that's going to stop us from still trying to hook up with strangers on crowded trains, mind you. We'll just go back to groping them the old fashioned way.)
"Where have all the toothers gone?" (Gizmodo)
"Toothing: The Abridged Truth" (thetriforce.com)
See also: "A Beginner's Guide to Toothing" (2thing.net)
Thumbnail via hemul.ru
Previously: Dogging Video, Sony Ericsson's Upskirt Cam, PhoneBin, Naked Moblogging