Wait a second, there's probably some biting political message to be absorbed here, but all we see is the 1967 adaptation of Gogol's "Viy," a bunch of topless girls, and a random splicing of politicians. We guess it means Putin is a demon and boobs are not for demons.
Cool! We knew that we weren't feeling Putin so hard, and we were pretty sure that boobs are awesome, but we weren't sure how these two things related to each other. Now we know!
On a personal note, this movie (the original, not laced with naked ladies) is one of our favorites. It's about a monk who kills a witch and must endure a three-day battle against the witch and demons she summons. Our gut instinct says that FEMEN is aligned with the witch, but we can't be too sure! And FEMEN's Livejournal provides no help. If only this kind of stuff came with SparkNotes.
· Watch the video at Vimeo (vimeo.com)
· Via Copyranter (copyranter.blogspot.com)