It's that time of year again! No, we're not talking about Halloween (in fact, we'd like to postpone that because our costumes aren't even close to ready); we're talking about the yearly blitz of lad mag babe calendars!
It's a bit like Christmas, except you have many, many gifts under your tree, they're all somewhat alike, and you should (you don't have to, but you should) choose only one. Instead of frantically buying a ton of calendars, flipping through them, and trying to pawn off the ones you don't want on your friends, Nuts has provided us with a sample of different 2012 calendars featuring such fabulous faces, er, boobs, I mean ladies as Emma Frain, Imogen Thomas, Danica Thrall, and Lacey Banghard.
Choose carefully, people. One of these babes could be escorting you to the apocalypse.
· Via Pretty Hot and Sexy (