If you've been following Fleshbot this whole time, you probably already know your acrotomophilia from your apotemnophilia—but in case you forgot, the New York Times today provides a handy guide to the various categories of amputee fetishism (not all of which are actual fetishes or paraphilias, apparently), although the article is woefully lacking in any sort of visual references for your perusal. Since it's been a while since we visited the topic, we thought we'd share the links below to help you with further research. 'Cause we, you know, care.
"At War With Their Bodies, They Seek to Sever Limbs" (NY Times)
Acrotomophilia and Apotemnophilia: A Fetish for Amputees + Amputee Wannabes (sataniclust.com)
Dev Guide: Amputee and Pretender/Wannabe (links @ devguide.org)
Amputee Goddess Kimberly B. (amputeegoddess.com)
Thumbnail via Cutoff Gallery (new URL @ cutoff.slyp.net)
Previously: Cutoff Gallery, Mocktoad's Transformations, Torso Doll Smut