Italian scientists—who really don't get enough credit for the brave work they do—using a lot of nerdy things like urethrovaginal ultrasounds and biochemical markers have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that the mythical Gräfenberg spot, birthplace of mindblowing female pleasure and soul-crushing male frustration, does in fact exist! Hurrah! Except ... maybe they didn't really prove anything.
The researchers determined that there were structural anatomical differences between a group of women that experiences orgasmic sex and another that doesn't, that these differences could be the key to their "release," and that someday doctors could actually perform a test to see if you too have these magic powers.
On the other hand, some say that they're full of it—that these anatomical differences may mean nothing; having or not having g-spot does not make or break the ability to orgasm; and that the whole study (which involved a whopping 20 women) was highly flawed. In other words: If they're trying to get women off, maybe they just aren't doing it right. After carefully weighing the evidence, our conclusion is that all this book learnin' is hard!
· Ultrasound nails location of the elusive G spot (
· More inaccurate g spot information from New Scientist (
· Yes, Virgins, There Is A G-Spot! You Just May Need Some Injections To Fix Yours (Jezebel)
· Scientific demonstration by Sydney Moon (via