Some people say that Jessie J is a Katy Perry clone, but Jessie has pretty much squashed that comparison. Does Katy flash nipple in her videos? Nope. Anyway, how did this get past the censors? And how long until Vevo notices and freaks out?
In the full video, you can see that Jessie reveals her nipple while she stares at the breasts of a naked statue on her table. Does that mean this move was deliberate? We'll give a special prize* to anyone who can come up with a conspiracy theory that involves Jessie J, nudity, Vevo, Vitamin Water, and fluoride. (The nipple in question appears around 2:27.)
[youtube syxd2n8S4AE 640 360]
· Via Taxi Driver Movie (
*A loud sigh from us in your direction.