We look at fashion and glamour models all the time, but every now and then, one comes along with the right combination of elegance, sass, and plain ol' beauty that makes us say, "You. You are the shard that will make our dark crystal whole and pure again." Nicole Vaunt is that kind of model.
She's modeled all over the world for tons of different photographers, artists, and publications, and she's constantly on the hunt for more work. We love a gal with a can-do attitude. We also love the way Nicole responds to her many admirers on her blog. She's refreshingly frank and honest, never gets offended, and sometimes she wields a very charming brevity. For example:
ANONYMOUS ASKED - "i want to fap to you. how do you feel about that? : D"
Go for it. That's part of the reason I'm here : )
She knows us!
· See more of Nicole at Vauntastic (vauntastic.com) and There's No Place Like Your Mouth (theresnoplacelikeyourmouth.tumblr.com)
· She also appears in Front Magazine (frontarmy.com)
· Via Indie Nudes (indienudes.com)