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“The Big C” Is No Match For A Nice, Tight Ass


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Ooh yeah, Elizabeth Twining's butt: we didn't realize how nice it was until we saw her step out of the shower. John Benjamin Hickey (who plays Sean, the brother), however, knew that she had a special little something long before we did, and for that, we respect him and forgive him for being kind of a sleaze.

Can you believe that this is the first bit of skin we've seen from "The Big C" this season? To be honest, when we saw this clip pop up online, we first wondered if a new season had started when "True Blood" did. Well, we guess we were right to call "The Big C" our longshot for nudity this year. Then again, there's one more episode left; maybe Laura Linney will finally have that orgy we've been hoping she's been planning!

· "The Big C" (sho.com)