When offered the choice between a gay porn comic and a gay porn DVD (which admittedly doesn't happen very often, but still), our imaginitively stunted dirty minds usually opt for the latter—but that may change with the release of the first volume of Dale Lazarov and Steve MacIsaac's "Sticky", which we've been hearing a lot of good things about over the last couple of weeks. Says our friend Sparky at Trusty Sidekicks: "The illustrated story feels real and not too contrived, with enough of the right elements thrown in to call to mind enough of my own romps. At the same time, it has great artwork that's suited really well to this particular medium, and uses that to string together a story that wouldn't be quite so compelling if told (or shown) another way." Hot men, hot sex, and no dialogue ... what's not to like?
"I Need a Wet Nap" ("Sticky" review @ Trusty Sidekicks)
"Gay Comics Are Not Dead!" (Gay Sex Blog)
Steve MacIsaac Illustration Portfolio (Sticky #1) (chebucto.ns.ca)
Stickynotes (official Yahoo! group; registration required)