We know Melissa Gilbert has had a busy and distinguished acting career since her role on "Little House on the Prairie" all those many years ago, but for whatever reason we've never been able to get the image of her as an adorable gap-toothed moppet with pigtails out of our heads—which makes this apparent ... er, sartorial mishap (see, told you we weren't going to say "wardrobe malfunction" ever again) at the Screen Actors Guild awards this weekend a little disturbing. And strangely hot. But also kind of disturbing. (And yes, we know it's not quite a nipple slip. But "areola slip" doesn't have quite the same ring to it.)
Melissa Gilbert @ SAG Awards, 2/5/05 (Yahoo! News, via ToGawp; more @ Getty Images)
Previously: Britney on the Balcony, In Search of Keira Knightley's Nipple, Naomi's Nipple Slips, Again, 2004: The Year in Boobies