Our latest Tumblr obsession is a woman who calls herself The Burning Lotus, and as soon as you take a look at her work, you'll understand why we feel the way we do. We don't know if we want her or if we just want to hang out with her, but something needs to happen between us ASAP because damn is she ever rockin' it.
The site has been around since April of this year, and although Burning Lotus told the world her age and her general mindset back then, she opened up much more in a larger post last month. She again mentions her age (which we most certainly would not have guessed, nor do we care all that much, but it's a neato fact), describes how she got into the hobby of taking naked pics, how she got into tattoos, what genital piercings she has, and other stuff. Our favorite lines: "I am adorned... I don't look like my peer group but I never really felt like I needed to. Or even particularly wanted to. I don't merely march to a different drummer, I strut to one."
Keep on strutting, girl. We are with you 100%.
· Spend some time with The Burning Lotus (theburninglotus.tumblr.com)
· Via Indie Nudes (indienudes.com)