Leave it to Roger Wood to know how to make a babe squeal. Although we're not sure who would really feel better in this scenario. Sophia's rockin' that leant back, eyes closed, ecstasy pose, but Roger's so gung-ho about all that pussy-pumping that it's just gotta feel amazing. Yeah, we're on that page today. We want to feel our whole hand surrounded in the soft and lovely warmness that is Sophia St. James! We're really feeling the flesh hugs today... Maybe we need to go wrap ourselves up in a blanket or something. Or -- a fap is kinda like a hug but from the inside out, right? We'll try it!
[The lovely Sophia St. James & Roger Wood. Get into more Trouble at Indieporn Revolution/NoFauxxx! Have a GIF you'd like us to feature? Email us!]