We're not big Owen Wilson fans—that whole blonde ironic detachment thing never really did anything for us. We will, however, be looking at him rather differently from now on after seeing these vidcaps from "The Life Aquatic" (etc.) posted today by our lycra-licking sibling site Defamer—who also provides handy links to other current penile news, including a review of Jamie Foxx's home movies and the buzz on why they call Justin the "Trousersnake". Will celebrity phallic worship supplant nipple slips as the new media obsession of '05? We can but wait and see.
"The Life Aquatic With That Thing In Owen Wilson's Speedo" (Defamer)
Previously: Starsky & Hutch Slash
Update Add your own opinion of the air bubble theory to this Data Lounge thread. (datalounge.com)