In our first mention of photographer Marc Baptiste way back in '03, we pointed out that his studies of the naked female figure were somehow incompatible with his work for glossy fahion magazines—which usually depend on showing models with their clothes on. It turns out that glossy fashion magazines are the best place to find his work these days—at least in Men's Vogue, which has an interview with the man and a nice slideshow of samples from his latest book, "Marc Baptiste Nudes." He explains that the goal of this work was to capture innocence while still capturing nakedness—which is not an easy task, but we think the results turned out pretty well. He's got the naked part down at least, and thankfully we're not picky about the innocence.
· Marc Baptiste's Bare Necessities (slideshow + interview @
· Marc Baptiste Photography (
· Buy "Marc Baptiste Nudes" (Amazon)
Previously: Art Photo: Marc Baptiste