By way of tying up one loose end of 2004—and assuming there's still one or two of you out there who are curious to see what Vincent Gallo's penis looks like—we hereby present a vidcap collage of the infamous "Brown Bunny" blowjob which apparently hit the web this weekend; three readers sent it to us attached to otherwise blank emails before one of them explained to us what was going on, as if we would've instantly recognized Chloë Sevigny in her blonde wig. (Or Vincent Gallo's penis, for that matter.)
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(Click for larger version - thanks Ben, Brad, and CJ)
See also: "Brown Bunny" Billboard
Update To save you the trouble of making your own crude fellatio flip book from the vidcaps, a reader sends us a link to this video clip in which Gallo's naughty bits are (mysteriously and/or fortunately, depending on your point of view) blurred out. (9 MB .wmv @ - thanks J.)
Update You can find an uncensored clip here ( - thanks LH) and here (