We misread the URL when we were sent the link to Pornogopher.com and thought that someone had scored a pretty choice domain name to upload their dirty diddlings to. Alas, "pornographer.com" merely goes to a less-than-sexy placeholder page ... but at Pornogopher, you'll find yet another Javascript-enabled masturbation tool that pulls images from various places on the interweb and displays them as an automatic slide show for your no-handed surfing convenience. As far as these things go, the execution is kind of primitive: unlike other sites like this, you can't pick and choose the kind of content you'll be, er, coming across, nor can you choose the rate of display or even pause the images in case one of them catches your eye for further inspection. Still, that URL is pretty sweet—we love the idea of a cute fuzzy little animal running all over the web to bring dirty pictures to our computer screen. If we could train our cats to do that, our jobs would be a lot easier.
· Pornogopher (Beta) (pornogopher.com)
Previously: Hand Jerker Helper: When Too Much Porn Is Not Enough, Pornborg.org, Eon Sex, RSS XXX, Juxel, Dig for Porn, Flickrlicio.us, Porn Hacks, Web Goggles, Babe Engine, The Pornolizer