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“Love Me Sasha Grey,” Pleads Zoë Hoetzel

Screen Shot 2013-10-04 at 4.58.17 PMIn the 90s, we had "David Duchovny (Why Don't You Love Me)." Now, Zoë Hoetzel has created "Love Me Sasha Grey," a sacrilegious extravaganza full of toplessness, dancing girls, and computer voices (no Sasha Grey, though).

Given the numerous iterations that Sasha Grey has gone through over the years, we're curious to know which version Zoë Hoetzel is pleading for the affections of. Is it Sasha Grey, the extreme pornstar? Sasha Grey, the aspiring actress? Sasha Grey, the fashion model? Sasha Grey, the musician? Sasha Grey, the erotica author? Sasha Grey, the equal pay advocate? Just thinking about the many ways this woman has branded and rebranded herself over the years is starting to make our heads spin--though judging by the amount of breasts and sacrilege in the video, we're guessing that Zoë's gunning for the love of the Sasha Grey who enjoyed a copious amount of dick (or maybe the one with a noise band, it's a toss up, really).

· Watch the video on Vimeo (vimeo.com)

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