While we have never had occasion in the past to doubt Digital Playground's integrity or committment to truth in advertising, we needs must take issue with the title of their latest showcase for contract überstar Jesse Jane: save for a pair of color coordinated scanties in one or two of the scenes, Jesse is not depicted actually wearing much pink—or indeed, much of anything else—during the entire production. While certain synethesia fetishists will find themselves disappointed in the result, the rest of us can enjoy the fact that Jesse and cohorts Jana Cova and Shay Jordan turn in performances which we have no choice but to call "red hot" as per the terms of our porn reviewers license training. And it's all filmed in "Real Time Audio", whatever that means; we think it has something to do with Jane foregoing her usual practice of having low-overhead South Asian labor overdub her moans and squeals during the editing process.
Put on your rose-tinted glasses and check out our exclusive preview gallery below, though you'll have to use your imagination to figure out what it all sounds like.
· "Jesse In Pink" Gallery
· "Jesse In Pink" (DVD info and trailer @ digitalplayground.com)
Previously: Jesse Jane Is A Big Dork (And Proud Of It), DVD Review: "Jesse Jane: Image"