After a seemingly endless period of teasing most of the free world with skimpy outfits and (barely) covered nipples, Miley Cyrus has started posing nude. Yesterday we caught a glimpse of her breasts in a spread from W, now it appears that she also shot topless photos for German Vogue. The nudity itself isn't surprising--let's be serious, we all saw this coming a mile(y) away--but the fact that it's happened so quietly, with so little fanfare and advance press, seems notable.
When Lindsay Lohan shed her skivvies for New York Magazine, it was a national event; even years later, when we'd all seen everything, her Playboy shoot was milked for all it was worth. Yet we've barely heard any chatter about Miley's boobs finally being free...and on some level, we're wondering if maybe that's a good sign.
Though we obviously support any individual's choice to pose nude, there is something to be said for that choice being the result of a carefully considered decision making process. Though it's possible that Miley is doing this all for a PR boost (no PR is the new PR?), or that we haven't missed the press fanfare so much as scooped it, there's a part of us that hopes that--by shooting topless shots quietly, and for European fashion magazines--Miley's trying her best to explore this aspect of her sexuality without turning it into a national conversation. Which actually seems, well, healthy, and gives us hope for her future career.
But either way: here's a good look at Miley Cyrus's boobs. Enjoy!