There are two nipples, at least, on each of us, but the facts about these seemingly innocuous knots of flesh are manifold. Thanks to the scattered brains at Buzzfeed (video link below) we are teated to a playful film strip of facts about the wondrous nipple.
For instance, did you know that we have two nipples? That those two nipples are located on our chest. If you thought they were the bulbous growths hanging in your scrotum, you're wrong. Those are you balls. And that wet, warm fluid they produce is not milk.
The video goes into more arcane facts about this little red balls (again, not to be confused with testicles), and much of it is disturbingly unpleasant. For example, anyone can lactate if sucked and massaged enough, even men. Got milk?
If you want to know more, well, click and watch.
Via BuzzFeed Video