Belle Know, the Duke porn star, has climbed another rung on the ladder to success. She was recently interviewed on the Howard Stern Show. And some of the things the two spoke of were how much she loved face-fucking and that fetish films where she screws older men makes her uncomfortable.
The interview has been posted to YouTube (link below), is a meeting of the mind and the mound. She explained her discomfort with fucking older men by noting that her dad is 50 years old. She did admit to having fucked a 50 year old, but it was a mistake in casting and she admits it was creepy.
Belle says she's a feminist and bisexual. "Feminism isn't one size fits all," she says. As for the bisexual side, there's no reason to explain.
As for the sexy image of a porn star in the class room, Belle shatters that fantasy. "I dress in sweatpants" for school, she said, "because I'm lazy." Unless that's your turn-on.
Belle said when she was outed as the Duke porn star she was overwhelmed with friend requests on Facebook. "I was crying when I first realized what had happened," she said. "Human nature is to be very passive-aggressive, and people have threatened to kill me and to throw trash on me." Now those are weird fetishes.
She said her salary as a porn actress is about $1,000 to $1,200 per scene, while Duke University costs about $62,000 a year. That's a lot of sex scenes we have to look forward to.
Via YouTube