Charlize Theron is one of the most beautiful women in the world, and Terry Richardson is one of the luckiest men in the world, because he gets to photograph her. We're not so bad ourselves, as we get to see the product of their union, and it's a strikingly stark and sexy vision.
The images accompany an article about Charlize from the current issue of Esquire UK (link below), provocatively titled "Charlize Theron Shoots From the Hip." And yet they don't feature one picture of her hot hips. That's an editorial booboo, but one we'll excuse if only because of the pictures they do include, like the one of her lacy bra.
Okay, truth be told, they do have some pictures of her hips, but they're not great pictures. We feel that if you're going to call out the hip in the title of your article there's a need to be more explicit in illustrating those hips in the accompanying photographs. But who are we just question the editorial judgement of Esquire magazine? We're just a lone pervert in cyberspace.
The article starts off with a rambling ode to Charlize's ability to drink hard like a man and keep her wits about her. Then it moves on to typical profile fodder, a career retrospective and finally her settling into marriage and motherhood. Now we need a drink.
Via Esquire UK