Our calendar must be broken, because we had no idea that Saturday was International Threesome Observance Day. This totally-made up holiday was actually inaugurated on March 3, 2003 (3/3/03, get it?) to honor all those lucky people who have managed to convince their boyfriend or girlfriend to let a third friend come and play with them. Since it fell on a weekend, however, we feel we can follow standard government practice and declare Monday to be International Threesome Observance Day (Observed). (Which also makes it like a three-day weekend. How appropriate!) In honor of the occasion, we're giving you three threesome videos for three times the m
trois fun. Watch them with two people you love.
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· Peter North and Friends (Haporn)
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· 1 guy 2 girls ON TOP (Haporn)
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· Jeanna Fine threesome (Haporn)
· See also: America's Most Underappreciated Anniversaries (huffingtonpost.com)
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Previously: Flesh Flicks Archives