Today's clip revisits one of our all-time favorite sites: I Feel Myself, which features pretty much exactly what its title describes. You see, today is Valentine's Day and we're not sure how to put this delicately, but ... a lot of us are going to be flying solo this evening. But we're here to tell you that that's totally OK: it's better to spend your evening like the gal in this video then in some disappointing drunken hookup that you'll be regretting until St. Patrick's Day (when you'll probably just end up in yet another disappointing drunken hookup situation again anyway). After all, it's just another Wednesday night when you get right down to it—so embrace your singlehood and enjoy that new episode of "Lost." Then maybe later on if you want to give yourself something special, go right ahead. They don't tell you to love the one you're with for nothing, you know.
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· "grace masturbating" (
· I Feel Myself (
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Previously: I Feel Myself, Flesh Flicks Archives