Paulina Porizkova is almost 50 years hot and she's still kicking out the jams, at least in our pants. And all we can say is maturity suits her, though we'd rather see her without the suit, though this bikini is about as close as much of us will ever get. And we're getting off!
Our friends at Egotastic have the pictures (link below) and we've the gallery to prove it. My God, look at that ass! It's enough to drive a man crazy. Speaking of driving, as Egotastic notes, there's only one car this babe goes for a ride in.
Mostly, it makes me really jealous of that dude from the Cars she's been married to these past twenty-five years. But seeing her bikini tush on the Isles of Greece, I do realize she has a little something in her bag of benevolence for us all. Let' not fight, let's share. Though, obviously, me first. Enjoy.
Oh, we will.
Via Egotastic