Ronald Reagan, hero of right wing zealots everywhere, has just had his legacy perverted by pranksters. The site was started with pure intentions, mainly to provide a "Facebook for patriots," but within hours of the site's launch it was taken down due to an influx of trolls, spammers, and porn.
According to The Daily Beast, site users adopted unusual monikers and created some interesting groups.
ReaganBook shows no discernable signs of longevity. It’s already been forced to temporarily shut down, after many of its thousand-plus members are trolls calling themselves things like “Albradorft Lincler,” “Al Zheimers,” and “Ben Ghazi.” The site runs tremendously slowly, and its attempts to interact with members through a messaging platform have proven fruitless. There’s hardly any involvement in thought-provoking (and clearly troll-created) pages like “Cut Dicks for Christ,” which simply says: “Calling all cut dicks.”
So why all the hate? Surely anyone that hates Ronald Reagan is a freedom hating pinko. Well, in actuality, Reagan's the unfortunate scapegoat here, as the real target was site founder and Ohio patriot Janet Porter.
“Tomorrow Facebook employees are gathering to go march at the gay pride parade in San Francisco,” Porter said last weekend at the Ohio Liberty Coalition event called Reload 4 Liberty. “While they kick people off [Facebook] who happen to have an unpopular belief, like being in favor of marriage—a buddy of mine Peter LaBarbera, [of] Americans for Truth—taken off Facebook. They’re censoring things and I’m saying we shouldn’t use it,” Porter said.
Porter was referencing an organization called Americans for Truth about Homosexuality, “a national organization devoted exclusively to exposing and countering the homosexual activist agenda,” according to its website.
Porter took the site down within 24 hours of it going live, with the statement,
"Please be patient while we make the necessary changes to keep the site free from obscenity, pornography, and those intent on the destruction of life, liberty, and the family. We will be opening the doors again soon with additional protections in place. As Reagan taught us, trust, but verify."
That's too bad. I wanted to join this group...
Via The Daily Beast