Lena Headey hasn't been nude on film in six years, and if one Croatian church has their way, that streak might continue for a long while. Fans of Game of Thrones were dealt a blow this week when the church barred producers of the HBO series from shooting an iconic scene for the upcoming season.
According to Gawker (link below), the church took exception with a famous scene from the book "A Dance with Dragons," on which the fifth season will be partially based.
The iconic scene from A Dance With Dragons calls for Cersei (played by Lena Headey) to emerge completely naked from the Great Sept of Baelor (played by Dubrovnik's Church of St. Nicholas). But TMZ reports the local film commission has denied the Game of Thrones producers' request to shoot there because of church policies against public nudity.
Come on Croatia, you're supposed to be the cool Eastern European country. You're going to turn into Austria if you're not careful. I'm sure the producers will figure out a way around this, but the suspense is almost too much to bear.
Via Gawker