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Keeley Hazell’s (Gasp) Sex Tape!


Keeley Hazell's (Gasp) Sex Tape!

Our hearts skipped a beat when the first emails started hitting our inbox while we were en route back to Fleshbot Central from our week in the porn trenches at the AVN Expo, and we could barely make sense of the words swimming before our eyes: Keeley ... Hazell ... sex tape? We were understandably skeptical, and not only because we've been burned before: surely sweet little Keeley, who hasn't appeared in anything more scandalous than your standard cheesecake topless shots, would never besmirch her reputation like that? (Outside of our filthy imaginations, of course.) And yet, it is so: Keeley sans panties for the first time enjoying a couple of rounds of oral sex with one very lucky (and apparently on his way to being quite wealthy) gentleman. There are several options for you to check it out for yourself, from the "official" pay version, bootlegs to stream or download—and even a "camcorder aimed at the computer screen showing the sex tape" version, which is almost too meta for us to comprehend. We think so highly of Keeley around here that it almost hurts to see her reduced to something as common as a homemade sex tape. Then again, the only hurt we've felt so far is from pinching ourselves to make sure we're not dreaming.

· Keeley Hazell Home Sex Video (trailer, pics + ordering @ strictlybroadband.com)

· Keeley Hazell Full Sextape (video @ totallynsfw.com)

· Keeley Hazell video (video of the video @ retroskank.com)

· "THREE WORDS ... Keeley. Hazell. Sextape." (dontlinkthis.net)

· Keeley Hazell sex trailer (forum @ phun.org)

· Also seen here and here. (egotastic + sexypix.thumblogger.com)

Previously: Fleshbot's Keeley Hazell coverage

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