When you look at the photo above what is the first thing that pops into your head? Do you simply see a work of art in the form of a carefully sculpted bronze statue or does your brain instantly scream "PENIS!"? If the statue does give you a case of penis brain then all I can say is that you should probably go take care of your needs and stop creeping on statues!
The photo features one of the nine statues to reside in the temporary exhibit "Wings of the City" which can be seen in downtown Houston's Discovery green. It's tough to make out all the details via the photograph but supposedly these statues don't leave much to the imagination! So it's not too big of a surprise that a bunch of up tight soccer mom's have got their panties all in a bunch.
When asked about the statue's appropriateness a woman (ie: up-tight panty-bunched soccer mom) came fourth to share her opinion: "It's very inappropriate, seeing that they have a lot of kids here," said Trena Cole, who on Wednesday was with a group of children enjoying the splash pad known as Gateway Fountain. "There are too many activities where they want you to bring everyone (in the family)." Okay....
There is a very fine line between art and erotica I'll give you that. However, if you're worried about your kid being demented by a bronze penis then you're in for one hell of a treat when he/she starts surfing the web. Please America, stop being so damn uptight!
Via: The Chron