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Taschen’s “Big Book Of Breasts”


Taschen's "Big Book Of Breasts"

Given that the subject matter of Taschen's new 396-page ode to magnificent mammaries is something very near and dear to our hearts here at Fleshbot, you can bet we're hoping that Jolly Old Saint Nick leaves us a copy of it in our stockings this year. (Provided that he doesn't decide to keep it for himself, that is; surely you don't think he's stayed with pillowy old Mrs. Claus all these years just for her cookie baking abilities?) And they're not just any breasts, mind you: the all-natural curves collected by author and twenty-five-year men's magazine publisher Dian Hansen represent the biggest icons in the history of boobage, including legends like Lisa DeLeeuw, Candy Samples, Uschi Digard, and Roberta Pedon. Even that cover makes us want to lay our heads down on it and dream. (Hopefully the folks at Taschen remembered to make it drool-proof too.)

· "The Big Book Of Breasts" (book info @ taschen.com)

· Order: "The Big Book Of Breasts (Amazon)

Previously: Video Playpen: Brabusters!, Boob News @ Bakunyuu Dialog, Gummy Breasts, Breast Enlargement Simulator, Art Boobs, Meet Milena Velba, Meet Nadine Jansen, Naturbusen!, The Megamammammmonastery, "Busty Cops 2", All Natural Beauties, Big Breast Archive Videos, Breast Expansion Archive, Meet Sasha Brabuster, Biggest Breasts Ever, Chesty Morgan Tribute

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