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Wet Spots: “They’re All Whores!” (Except Lindsay)



· Lindsay Lohan continues to embarass herself (and everyone else) via yet another email meltdown in which she reveals her new respect for pole dancers via playing a stripper in her latest movie role: "I mean really though, really, I didn't know it was actually possible to have bruises in such areas of the body. Strippers dude, I tell you, I really respect the cunts now ... I'm not gonna lie to ya." Somehow the irony isn't lost on us either. (Page Six)

· Although we've been trying to avoid it as much as possible, we couldn't resist these photos of Aria Giovanni trying out the whole Sexy Santa shtick. We think it works on her. (hornyoyster.com)

· Meanwhile, our friends The Wet Spots share the secret of the holiday gift that keeps on giving. Funny, Christmas means fisting to us too! (goodiebag.tv)

· Will the recent murders of prostitutes in England change people's attitudes about sex work? (Or the laws, for that matter?) Sorry if we don't hold our breath on that one. (timesonline.co.uk)

· Speaking of which, we sorta dropped the ball on the International Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers this past Sunday. We think our readers already know how to behave themselves anyway. (insidebayarea.com)

· You say "a nude man was taking a shower using a fire hose on the roof of a parking garage, in full of view a nearby apartment building" as if it were a bad thing. Is this considered unusual where you come from? (asia1.com.sg)

· Since you probably already bought David LaChapelle's book for everyone on your gift list (right?), you should take them to the Taschen store in Beverly Hills to get them signed by the author on Wednesday night. See, we know that things sometimes happen on the West Coast too. (taschen.com)

· Saturday Night Live offered up the best gift idea we've seen this year. Inexpensive, thoughtful, and fun to play with. Give it to someone you love. (YouTube)

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Previously: Morning Wood Archives/Wet Spots Archives

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