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My Five Fave Characters to Cosplay As by Tanya Tate



Top Brit MILF Tanya Tate is quite the cosplayer along with performing and directing for Filly Films.  If you are a Funko figure fan (oh, I am!), you shouldn't miss her blog.  Anyway, Tate does some amazing cosplay and I wanted to know what her favorite costumes were.  Here's what this hot beauty had to say.

I have been cosplaying since 2010 and in that time I have been to many conventions and worn several of sexy superhero costumes. For those not in the know, cosplay is short for “costume play” and you would generally encounter people engaged in this activity at comic conventions or anime con. People like to express themselves by representing their fav characters from pop-culture, comics, movies, video games, etc.

Since I was very little, I have always had an affinity for live action super heroes (movies and television). Women like Lynda Carter as Wonder Woman would capture my attention instantly. But, it wasn’t until I moved to the US that I found many opportunities to express my “geekdom” and this fascination of “real life” superheroes, in the form of cosplay. These are my fav characters to cosplay as:


1.) Emma Frost (Marvel’s X-men)null

 Ah! This is the one that started it all. I had come to the US in 2009 and my trip landed me in San Diego during Comic Con. It was wild. I was taken aback at how everyone expressed their love of geekdom. It was brilliant. I planned to come back the next year to fully experience it and in 2010 I bought an Emma Frost costume and went to Comic Con. The costume consisted of a boob top and mini skirt. Sexy, but not dirty. Definitely what the character would wear. I had an incredible time.

2.) She-ra!null

I loved She-ra when I was little. Beautiful, powerful and knows how to work a sword -- what’s not to love in a woman like that? I found out that there was to be a He-Man and the Masters of the Universe convention called “Power Con” so, of course, I had to go. I found a She-ra costume and had it altered a bit to “fit” me better.

3.) Catwoman (Batman 1966 Television Series)null

Going back to my fascination with “live action” comic characters, how could anyone watch Julie Newmar strut around in that curve hugging catsuit and not swoon? Simply gorgeous and dripping with sex appeal.

4.) Electra-woman


When you go to a comic con, you are always going to see an Emma Frost… or five. I think Emma and Harley Quinn are the most cosplayed characters in geekdom. For San Diego Comic Con 2012, I wanted to go the opposite way and suit up as someone a little more obscure, unique. The perfect costume I chose was based on a short-lived, but very cool television show, Electra-woman and Dyna Girl. Imagine the Adam West Batman series, but with women. That was EW & DG. Produced by Sid and Marty Krofft it was campy fun. I did a small redesign on the costume to accentuate my form and the result was awesome. I happen to run into the producers of the original show (who were doing a signing at Comic Con) and I am proud to say that Sid and Marty loved the costume.

5.) Lady Titannull

 After a few years of cosplaying as characters owned by other people and seeing my pictures everywhere from Time.com to Getty Images,I thought it was time to introduce a creation of my own. Based on the cool 70’s super-chicks, I made a costume that was a homage to the hotties of the past but still giving it a 2014 sex-up, Lady Titan. I’ve also been working on a comic book and even an action figure for Lady Titan. So, you’ll be seeing more of her soon. And, one day, you might even see other gals cosplaying as her.

I think the Catwoman costume is my favorite.  Yum.  Follow Tate on Twitter to keep up with her lovely comic book-covered porno world.  



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