A lot of photographers are content to just throw a few pictures up on their webpage and leave it at that, but not Stephen Hanyes: he's got a blog where you can see his work and get a running commentary with it. He not only tells the story of his own photos, but shares his thoughts on photography, nudity, art and culture in general. It's great to see such nicely crafted and senuous images like these in context; hopefully Stephen won't burn out like a lot of promising bloggers we know so we can continue to learn a little more about the photo game. After all, we can't live nude pictures alone. (Although somehow we'd get by.)
· Magic Flute Fine Art Nudes (magicflutenudes.blogspot.com, via finenudes.blogspot.com)
Previously: Photos by Sol Lang, Mirela Bratu Photography, Frank Rothe Photography, The Ooh!, Ludovic Goubet Photography, Photos by D. Brian Nelson