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Meet Trixxylicious



Proud Filipina model and dancer Trixxylicious may look all sweet and innocent, but that extra "x" in her name should tip you off to the fact that she has a wild side as well. Alas, that side only seems to express itself in photos of her cavorting coyly in a bikini with fellow models and the occasional flash of nipple; she leaves the harder stuff on her site to TGP galleries starring some of her "girlfriends". But we're still holding out hope that someday she'll decide to add still another "x" to her name ... and that her career will follow suit. But in the meantime, did we mention that she looks awfully good in those bikinis?

· Trixxylicious: "Hottest bombshell Asian superstar" (trixxylicious.com - thanks Hal)

Previously: Ravijour Lingerie, "That Lesbian JPop Clip": Gam, "Melodies", Meet Sai-Tai Tiger, Meet Asia Suki, See Lai, Asian Princess Artifacts, Sexy Japanese Idols, Asia Diva, Virtual Sex Tourist,

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