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It’s “Foxy Blox” The World’s First LEGO Strip Club Set



No, that's not a scene from The LEGO Movie 2: Ron Swanson Goes to the Strip Club, it's the all-new set from Citizen Brick, a third party LEGO set designer that is not affiliated with the Danish brick company. Citizen Brick is known for their adult-skewing building sets, and their latest is quite a sight to behold.

The Huffington Post (link below) brought the set to our attention, and frankly with Festivus right around the corner, we couldn't be more happy about it. 

Citizen Brick owner Joe Trupia told The Huffington Post he's sold a few hundred so far. The company has been customizing Legos since 2010. It produced a popular"Breaking Bad"-like set last year.

"We're fanatically doing things that Lego wouldn't do," Trupia told HuffPost.

The latest, called "The Citizen Brick Center for the Performing Arts," is a "place where dreamers can dream, and dancers can dance," the site's copy reads.

Lego keeps close tabs on Citizen Bricks's doings, Trupia said. The company even supplied the disclaimer on Citizen Brick's site to emphasize that the products are not endorsed by Lego. He confessed he's not sure what Lego's reaction will be to his latest venture.

The one drawback is that the set retails for $275, a full $75 more than LEGO's amazing Simpsons house. I really do love the little things, like the stripper wearing the glass shoes and that Chippendale that's clearly modeled on Nick Offerman...




Via The Huffington Post

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