Chelsea Handler has been all about the boobs lately. I mean, she's been all over that Free The Nipple Campaign talking about how great tits are and flashing her nipples to the world. But I just can't say that I understand what exactly is going on here and why she's decided to surprise us all with a strangely hot photo of her tits smashed up against an old school 90's style boombox. Do people even say boombox anymore? Man I feel old!
The one thing that I totally dig about Chelsea is the fact that she's obviously got a great sense of humor. I mean, there was no explanation what so ever as to why she posted this photo and that's exactly what I love about her! The very best humor in my opinion is humor that really doesn't make any sense at all. Kind of like irony in a sense, but with tits and tons of confusion!
A lot of people say that Chelsea is just an attention seeker but I'd like to kindly tell them all to STFU. She's got great tits; great fake tits at that! If she's seeking attention I'd personally be more than willing to give her a hand!
Photo Credit: Drunken Stepfather