· The National Coalition for the Protection of Children and Families has declared this week to be Pornography Awareness Week. Don't worry ... we're well aware. (avn.com)
· So what if you've seen Adriana Lima in a bikini about a bazillion times before? You'll see it again—and like it, dammit. (egotastic.com)
· DealBreaker takes on one of the most pressing issues facing the financial industry today: should your company reimburse you for strippers? (dealbreaker.com)
· People in more affluent western countries are more promiscuous than they are in other parts of the world. Westerners were unavailable for comment, because they had a hot date that night. (bbc.co.uk)
· The mayor of Edmond, Oklahoma, wants to stop underage drinking so she hands out filers instructing them to call a phone sex number instead. At $2.99 per minute, at least they won't have enough money left over for beer. (wcbstv.com)
· Australia's government employees like porn just as much as our government's. We can't think of a better use for your tax dollars. (news.com.au)
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Previously: Morning Wood Archives/Wet Spots Archives