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Grab A Stick Of Butter & Hunker Down With Time Out’s Greatest Sex Scenes Ever


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Sex is subjective. What one person finds sexy, another may find repulsive. For example, Time Out (link below) recently picked their 100 Best Movie Sex Scenes of all time, and their number one is a scene which happens to make me gag. Read on if you dare...

So yeah, they've got the most infamous scene from Last Tango in Paris in the number one spot. If you haven't seen it, it's right up there for your viewing pleasure. Now you can see for yourself what it looks like when Marlon Brando greases up poor Maria Schneider's asshole with a stick of butter and then places his grotesque mid-70s self inside her. What, pray tell, does Time Out think is sexy about this scene?

Never before had sex onscreen been so raw and emotionless. In the age of Tinder, the film has lost some of its impact, and there's a streak of misogyny that feels undeniably ugly. But with its two powerhouse performances, "Last Tango" still, um, stands up.

Sure. I get it, but you've got the best one right there at number two...


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Yup, it's another infamous sex scene, the purportedly real sexual encounter between Donald Sutherland and Julie Christie from Nicolas Roeg's masterful horror classic Don't Look Now. This scene topped the list compiled by the cast and crew of Masters of Sex this past summer, and with good reason. It's sexy and also incredibly normal. It looks like the kind of sex most people have, and seeing that represented on screen seems more groundbreaking to me than Marlon Brando sodomizing Maria Schneider with the aid of a dairy product. 


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Blue is the Warmest Color also made the cut, in the number four slot, with the basic reasoning being, "Can you believe this thing is six minutes long?"

On paper, six minutes doesn't sound long. But when you're sitting through kissing, sucking, licking, and slapping, six minutes feels very long indeed. Audiences who thought they'd seen it all suddenly realized they hadn't.


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Food's back on the menu in the number 7 slot, where Nagisa Oshima's In the Realm of the Senses resides. If you've never seen the infamous hard-boiled egg scene, you're in for a real treat.


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The last actual sex scene in the Top 10 is the post-crucifixion sex scene from Martin Scorsese's The Last Temptation of Christ. Out of context, it probably seems weird to see Jesus boning Mary Magdalene, but in the context of the film and what the sex represents, it actually makes a powerful statement. That's probably why so many zealots hated it, because to understand it, they would have had to actually watch the film. 

The only oddity in the Top 10 is the leg-crossing scene from Basic Instinct, which is a memorable scene, but it's not a sex scene. I get not wanting to put any of Sharon's sex scenes with Michael Douglas on the list though. We've just barely gotten this image out of our brains...

Via Time Out