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Celebrity NippleWatch™: Revenge of the Sideboobs



Poor Lindsay Lohan. Things have gotten so rough for the fragile actress that it seems she can't even afford clothe; hence the burlap sack that provides the only shred of covering available for her ample, yet exhausted bosom. It's a shame, really, that she can't even find a simple 18-hour Playtex to keep those bad boys in check. As a show of sympathy, we're sharing this rather generous helping of mammaries in the hopes you will generously donate to our new foundation devoted to helping Miss Lindsay find a bra. Or at least a shirt with sleeves. Winter will be upon us soon, and once those nipples begin to protrude it may be too late.

· Lindsay Lohan sneak peak (splashnewsonline.blogspot.com)

Update More photos @ wwttd.com - thanks Randy!

Previously: Lindsay Lohan Coverage, Celebrity NippleWatch™ Archive