... Well, 60 installments, anyway. Believe it or not, this most-populous of all porn series is only six years old. The late director Clive McLean started shooting "Barely Legal"s in 2000 and continued until Number 50, after which he was too ill to continue.
Like "All in the Family", "Barely Legal" spawned numerous spinoffs, both at other companies and at Hustler, which also hawks "Barely Legal: Corrupted", "Barely Legal Innocence", and "Barely Legal Naughty Porn Journalists".
Episode 60 stars Sindee Jennings on the cover, as well as new Adam & Eve contract hire Ava Rose, and Haley Scott. The series is now helmed by Mr. Andre Madness.
- G. Ponante
· Hustler's "Barely Legal" Series (inventory @! Adult DVD Empire)
· Barely Legal (barelylegal.com)
· Hustler (hustler.com)