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Keeley Forever!


Keeley Forever!

Thousands of girls have graced Page 3 of The Sun in London, but few have gone on to capture imaginations - on both sides of the Atlantic - quite like Keeley Hazell. It's become clear that we're not the only ones who are smitten with this 19-year-old topless phenom who has become a star using nothing more than a gorgeous face and a fabulous pair of 32E breasts. But what do we really know about young Miss Hazell? Now is the chance to find out as the paper that launched her career is in the midst of Keeley Week, a celebration of bad puns and the life of their famous alumna. Learn about her tomboy childhood (she hated school!), her middle name (it's Rebecca!), and her ongoing search for true love (call us!) Just to be safe, they threw in a couple pictures of her boobies as well. Hey, they're just as famous as the rest of her.

· Keeley Week: Day 3 (video @ thesun.co.uk)

· See also: Keeley heats up summer + Keeley: I was a bad girl (thesun.co.uk)

· Image via dailyniner.com

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Previously: World Cup Aftermath, Keeley Hazell's Wimbledon Preview, Keeley Hazell's World Cup Strip, Keeley Hazell in FHM

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