If the Boards of Canada loop that starts playing when you visit the splash page of his online portfolio wasn't enough to get us excited about French photographer Bernard Benant's work, the sexy shots inside certainly did the trick; while most of the good stuff is in the Fashion and (of course) Nu sections, all of his work is informed by a perceptive awareness of the human body and an uncompromising view of his subject matter. (All of which is art babble we like to use when we can't think of anything else to say about work we like. Sounds good though, doesn't it?)
· Bernard Benant Photographer (Flash w/sound @ bernardbenant.com, via sexblo.gs/Suzanne G.)
Previously: Bettina Rheims Retrospective, MLH Photo Erotica, Photos by Juan Carlos Rivas, Photos by Pau Ros, Ben Marcato Photography, Jesus Coll Erotic Photography, Loic Peoc'h Photography