With the huge opening Jurassic World had, there's no doubt a sequel is already in the works. But before those screenwriters begin typing away they should listen to the great idea Kate Upton and Alexandra Daddario had for the sequel: dinosaurs with big boobs.
Daddario and Upton took their idea to Twitter and needless to say, it was a big hit.
Let’s be honest, who wouldn’t pay to see Alexandra Daddario play a velociraptor with giant boobs and Kate Upton play the mighty Titosaurous? And if they are in the mood for more remakes, might I suggest a remake of E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial. Two big breasted aliens are stranded on earth in E.DD. The Large-Breasted Terrestrials. How about a reboot of Close Encounters of the Third Kind? Daddario and Upton make two mashed potato mounds in Close Encounters of the Titted Kind. If you want a little more action, how about a remake of Predator; two large chested aliens hunt Arnold Schwarzenegger and Carl Weathers in the jungles of South American in Predabreasts.
So many great ideas for remakes, so little time. I do look forward to seeing Jurassic World 2: Boobosaurous Rex, however.